You are currently browsing the daily archive for 26 March 2010.

Many a church sings the words from Hezekiah Walker’s “I Need You To Survive,” but do we really believe them?

I need you, you need me.
We’re all a part of God’s body.

In a society that values and teaches fierce independence, do we really need one another? Most churches in which I’ve sung this, it’s been done so more for the sake of the part, “I won’t harm you with words from my mouth,” stressing the importance of supporting one’s brothers and sisters. While this is certainly important, I want to focus more deeply on the idea of truly needing one another. My ability to refrain from tearing you down does not necessarily mean I need you.

What would it look like if we truly needed one another? If we lived in true community? If we let our brothers and sisters get close enough to know the ways in which they could be God’s instruments in fulfilling “His will that every need be supplied”? What would the church look like if we truly were “important” to one another — if we saw one another through God’s eyes — if we truly needed one another “to survive”? Read the rest of this entry »

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March 2010