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I was traveling for a work conference and found myself visiting a church in the Hyde Park area of Chicago on the first weekend in March. As such, the day was designated International Women’s Day of Prayer, and the following Proclamation of Good News for Women was read. It was something I certainly needed to hear that day, and I hope others likewise find something in it not only for themselves, but to share with others:

The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news to all the women of the world:

To those who are weighed down with guilt, it is forgiveness.

To those who sin, it is redemption and renewal.

To those who are oppressed, it is freedom.

To those who live in fear, it is peace.

To those who are despised and rejected, it is kinship with the God who endured the shame of the cross.

To those who are bound by unChristlike culture and tradition, it is emancipation by One who places the greatest value on every soul. 

To those who cannot trust, it is dependence upon One who has proven Himself trustworthy.

To those who are lonely, it is friendship with the Best Friend women ever had. 

To those who are devalued, it is a new identity as joint heirs of the grace of God.

To those who are secure in their relationship with the Lord, it is an opportunity to be the bridge that leads another to assurance in Christ.

As women who follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we are compelled by His love, commanded by His word, and gifted by His Spirit to share this Gospel with those who have not seen or heard the salvation of our God.


We will radiate His Light into the dark corners of women’s experience;

We will bear His life to those who are dying;

We will share our bread with those who are hungry;

We will declare His promise to those who have no hope;

We will proclaim His empowerment to those who are powerless;

We will bring affirmation to those who do not know they are made in the image of God.

We will see with the eyes of Jesus, listen with His ears, speak with His words, touch with His hands, embrace with His arms, and feel with His heart.

Until that great day comes when every woman, man and child will know the glorious grace and goodness of our God.

© BWA, used with permission, as found in Adventist Women’s Ministries International Women’s Day of Prayer Leaders Packet

Here I was concerned with the subtle condescension of those being interviewed on the news last night…should have known there was more to come. What is the actual reason for the earthquake, according to Pat Robertson?

…something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, “We will serve you if you will get us free from the French.” True story. And so, the devil said, “OK, it’s a deal.”

And they kicked the French out. You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other. … []

I’m not sure why I continue to be so shocked and appalled by such statements, as this isn’t the first time Robertson has blamed the victims of catastrophic events to make his “Christian” point, but I keep hoping the compassionate Christian might show up! The only way for a successful slave revolt was through a pact with the devil?!?!?! (That certainly wasn’t the case in the Exodus…as it turns out, God has a history of being on the side of the oppressed!)

I don’t presume to know as fact or assert as a true story dealings with the spiritual realm. What I do know is what we’re told in the Word of God. In the ninth chapter of John, Jesus encountered a man blind from birth:

2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

3“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

Sometimes — a lot of times — things happen that we simply do not understand. Sometimes things happen that God may show His glory. This is not to say that God causes all these disasters we deem “acts of God,” but He does use these results of a sinful world to bring people to His saving grace.

If we are to ask “Who sinned,” the answer is at once “no one,” as in Christ’s answer to His disciples, and “everyone,” in that all of this devastation that was never intended in God’s perfectly created world is a result of the human race’s choosing to disobey God through the first Adam. But the good news is that God’s grace always trumps (Romans 5:12-21): Read the rest of this entry »

Listening to the coverage of the Haitian earthquake, I’m struck by some of the condescension and insensitivity. There are facts, and there are the logical fallacies that arise in trying to expand upon the facts to make a point.

FACT: Based on GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Haiti is the poorest county in the Western Hemisphere.

LOGICAL CONCLUSION: Haiti is not economically equipped to handle yet another catastrophe.

LOGICAL FALLACY: The Haitian people are somehow incapable of handling this because of the high rate of illiteracy?!?!?

The Haitian people have an amazing history, including the only successful nationwide slave revolt, which permanently abolished slavery and established Haiti as the first republic ruled by blacks.

Haiti has certainly had a troubled history, as have most countries to one extent or another — that cannot be glossed over, but neither is it the point. The most recent devastation caused by the earthquake is a tragedy; let’s stay focused on that and HELP in whatever tangible ways we can. [For one simple way, text YELE to 505-505 to donate $5.]


POSTSCRIPT: Just as I was to press “Post,” NYC Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly was being interviewed. Finally, someone who had the good sense to note that Haiti’s “greatest asset is its people.” Amen!

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